I'm Lindsay Ringenberg
And I'm here to talk to you about
your Sacred Purpose...
Okay, maybe you're screaming
"EW, WHAT?!"
Well, you know what?
For a long time, I was in denial about my Sacred Purpose. But... there's no gimmick, no spiritual package, I'm not trying to sell you expensive levels or get you your own alien planet (sorry). No, I'm here to be your existential cheerleader, spirited challenger, and fierce advocate. Because throughout my own complex life journey, I've discovered that my Sacred Purpose is to help others discover, manifest, strengthen, celebrate, protect,
and reclaim their own.
So... are you ready?

How many boxes did you check? Would it surprise you to know I checked almost all of them too? we all go to great lengths seeking clarity - and there's no judgement here. I've explored a lot in my life and I'm here to share what i've learned as we explore more of life's mysteries together.
BUT WAIT - is your only purpose to help others?
Not at all! Very rarely is our Sacred Purpose just ONE THING and it can and does evolve over our lifetime. At this moment in my life, I am an Educator, Author, Creative Entrepreneur and Guide.
In a former decade of my life, I achieved a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and worked in mental health where I ran my own private practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist in Washington State.
I also believe my work as a My bicultural/bilingual experience as a CODA (Child of a Deaf Adult) deeply informs my perspective and multicultural work with my clients. I am also fluent in American Sign Language. I jokingly refer to myself as a neurodiverse skittle that comes in every color of the rainbow - I can also be a neurotic squirrel sometimes, but in a charming, if the squirrel wore a bow-tie and had a colorful punk tied tail or something.
I have a lot of creative interests including karaoke, fine tequilas, baking, writing books, video and board games, and graphic design. I am direct, funny and I do cuss quite a bit. I've lived a lot of different lives, from full-timing in a travel trailer to homesteading in Montana to living in the city! I love Atlanta and I live here with my partner, four hairless cats, and potato head dog.
Check out some of my own creative projects and ventures:

But What Does a Session With You Look Like?

Nature Activities, Crystal/Stone Work & Plant Healing Work
(Thirsty for Art demos a really nice Nature Art Therapy activity in their video here)
Creating Personal Ceremonies & Rituals
Tending Animals & Plants
Foraging & Rockhounding
Creating Art/Objects with Natural Materials
Forest Bathing and/or Meditations